I captured the stars in you
I wondered if I could do
It here with you so near
I captured the stars in you
Didn’t care if you wanted me to
When I captured the stars in you
About the lyrics:
In the great tradition of obsessive and possessive “love songs,” this too represents a pretty unhealthy relationship I think.
The line “I captured the stars in you” came to me and I riffed on what kind of person might *say* that.
About the music:
I hear musical drones everywhere there’s something running. Tonight, it was the fan over the stove. I intended to just submit that version in its raw, single take glory but the technical gods weren’t letting that happen so instead I decided I’d see what happened if I sat down and recorded it away from the stove.
I’m glad that I did because this little swingy jazz thing started to happen and it wouldn’t have otherwise.
Captured the Stars in You
I captured the stars in you
I wondered if I could do
It here with you so near
I captured the stars in you
Didn’t care if you wanted me to
When I captured the stars in you
Your aura was like the aurora
Careless beauty; magnetic art
I wanted it for myself
I needed to win your heart.
I captured the stars in you
I wondered if I could do
It here with you so near
I captured the stars in you
Didn’t care if you wanted me to
When I captured the stars in you
I wasn’t looking for something
You woke me like a lightning flash
I wanted that light in a bottle
Forgive me if I was brash.
I captured the stars in you
I wondered if I could do
It here with you so near
I captured the stars in you
Didn’t care if you wanted me to
When I captured the stars in you
You look like you’re thinking darlin’
Your compass is doomed to fail
If you ever leave my orbit
We’ll burn like a comet’s tail.