Everything Happens at Once
I’ll watch you auger out fifteen feet of line
While I’ll sit and imagine fifteen bottles of wine
We’ll break up the walkway just for a start
But we’re here together, no matter what else falls apart
Everything happens at once it seems
Layers and layers of warped sitcom dreams
But the lights are still on in this hurricane
And I guess if I had to
I think if I had to
I know if I had to,
With you
with you,
with you,
I’d do it again.
The roof saw me cryin’ and it joined right in
Now two rooms are weeping down on buckets of tin
Raindrops are falling right here next to my head
At least you’re beside me in this soggy bed
Even when it pours, I guess the well can run dry
I can’t even raise my voice to the ironic sky
I’ve started to laugh ‘cause what else could we do
It’s never too much though when
It’s never too much though when I’m here
when I’m here with you.
I know the roots we’ve grown are strong,
I can’t let this one string us along
All these reminders are in the wrong places
But everywhere I look are traces
Of your love of our love
#Updated #pop #adultcontemporary #love_song #mellow
Everything Happens at Once is a love song that doesn’t sound like a love song. A friend is going through serious medical stuff and shared today that all at once the septic flooded the house )they had a huge tree root right through it), the roof is leaking in two rooms (including beside her head), the well ran dry (they had to have it dug deeper)…and through it all her partner is holding down the fort with real love.